Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Outsourcing @Indian Mythology

You might be wondering how outsourcing and mythology link with each other will but believe me; outsourcing   was existing with India before the country ever was named India. After researching a lot to find the roots of outsourcing we found some instances where the concept of outsourcing was being depicted in Mythology of India.Before we go further let me just tell you what outsourcing terms as

"Outsourcing is a process where some of the process (work) are being moved from the  main entity (business group, geographical location , back office work) to a sub entity (another geographical location, third Party organization or individuals) in order to minimize the cost and maximize the work flow . In simple terms transferring your task to another individual”

So finding similarly to Indian mythology there are weird and unexpational outsourcing which are described. As we believe Indian mythology are far than imagination, however that will really make us understand the concept.

Outsourcing creation-upabramhas

Lord Brahma had created his 'manasaputras or upabramhas' with the objective of outsourcing the  increasing the population and their names were Bhrigu, Pulaha, Kratu, Angira, Marichi, Daksha, Atri and Vashishtha. But all of them were free from worldly desires and extremely virtuous. Seeing his effort go in vain, Lord Brahma became furious, as a result of which Rudra manifested from his forehead. Half of Rudra's body resembled like a male while the remaining half appeared like a female. Lord Brahma Outsourced the task to Rudra to detach the female form from his body and commence copulative creation. Following his advice, Rudra detached the female part of his body and created eleven male entities. Similarly he created various female entities from the female part of his body. This way, the first human pair-Manu and Shatarupa came into existence.

Outsourcing pregnancy - Devaki's Balaram

One night, Vishnu appeared in Devaki's dream and said that the divine king of snakes, Seshnaga, would be born as her seventh child.He told her that the child would not be killed by Kansa. Miraculously, a baby that was conceived in Devaki's womb was outsourced to the womb of Rohini, Vasudeva's second wife. This baby was the elder brother of Krishna called Balarama 

Outsourcing sleep -Urmila In  Ramayana

Lakshman’s wife, Urmila, wanted to follow her husband to the forest as Sita had followed Ram but Lakshman begged her to stay back saying, “I will be busy taking care of Ram and Sita and will have no time for you. Help me by staying back so that I do not have to feel guilty or anxious about your wellbeing.” So Urmila stayed back, reluctantly, wondering how she could help her husband help Ram.On the first night in the forest, Lakshman kept watch while Ram and Sita went to sleep. That is when Nidra, the goddess of sleep, approached him. He begged the goddess to leave him alone for fourteen years so that he could guard his brother and sister-in-law night and day. The goddess, impressed by his act of filial devotion, agreed. But the law of nature demanded that someone has to outsource the burden of Lakshman’s share of sleep. “Go to my wife, Urmila, and inform her of the situation,” said Lakshman. Nidra went to Urmila. Urmila bowed her head and replied, “Give me my husband’s share of sleep for fourteen years so that he can stay awake all that time without any fatigue.” So it came to pass that Urmila slept for fourteen years night and day while her husband stayed awake in the service of Ram and Sita.

Outsourcing parenting - Kitikas in  Skanda Puranam

 Six Kritikas are the stars of the constellation Pleiades. At the time of kartikeya birth, Agni carries the six sparks that fell from the third eye of Shiva . The sparks are deposited in a pond in the Sara Vana, where six babies are born on a lotus each. The god has outsourced the task of nursing the babies to Krittikas who came there, .When Parvati and Shiva came there, Parvati took all the babies in her arms and made them into one, albeit with six heads called kartikeya

Outsourcing deaths - Yama  and Citragupta

It is said that Lord Brahma gave the land of the dead over to the god Yama, also known as Dharamraj or Yamraj. Yama would become confused sometimes when dead souls would come to him, and would occasionally send the wrong souls to either heaven or hell. Lord Brahma commanded him to keep better track of everyone, and Yama declared that he could not reasonably be expected to keep track of the many people born of the eighty-four different life forms in the three worlds.
Lord Brahma, determined to outsourced the work of record keeping of Yama, sat in meditation for many thousands of years. Finally he opened his eyes, and a man stood before him with a pen and paper. Brahma gave Citragupta to outsource the task of record keeping of people’s life and death

Outsourcing curse - Indra's Brahma Hatya Dosha in Srimad Bhagavat

Once Indra got Brahma Hatya Dosha with the killing of Vishwaroopacharya, the son of Thwashta.  Vishwaroopacharya was the temporary Devatagurugalu, when Bruhaspathyacharya was hidden himself because of the insult made by Indra.   This Vishwaroopacharya, was the son of Thwashta a devate, but his mother is from daithya kula (demon family).  While doing Homa (offerings) for gods, influenced by his mother, Vishwaroopacharya was giving havissu (offering) for daithyaas (demons) along with devates.  Indra noticed this and removed all the three heads of Vishwaroopa.  So, he got Brahma Hatya Dosha(curse for killing a Brahmin).   Now Indra having suffered from the Brahma Hatya dosha, was guided to outsource the Brahma Hatya Dosha (curse) amongst four things and boon to them as a gratitude

The following outsourced the Brahma-hathya Dosha of Indra in the following manner.

1. Earth (prithvy) – which outsourced the sin and got the boon that the earth will be filled or become closed even after several excavations.
2. Trees (vrikshaa) – Trees outsourced the sin in the form of “gum” and they got the boon that they can grow even after they are cut.
3. Sea (samudra) – sea outsourced the sin in the form of form/froth
4. Ladies (sthree) – outsourced the sin in the form of menstruation every 28 to 30 days and got the boon that they can have more pleasure at the time of bonding.

so is the mythology of Indian outsourcing . there are many religions and all religions have one god . and a proper god is humans who are outsourced to share love compassion and outreach . Let Outsource these love compassion and kindness to our world .

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