Tuesday, June 21, 2016

5 Yog-Asaan(Yoga Postures)@For every Call Center Agent

Call center jobs are quite a stressful as well as hard time jobs. sitting in a cabin with heads sets on the the ears for a long hours may make a person more in effective and lazy . sitting on a chair for long time may make us pron to back aces and talking on phone might really rush our vocal cords also wearing a headset will make us effective to Migraine and headaches. However we can stop working as we love our jobs and pays high too, so what is the solution? Yes there is one.

Yoga is a best way to all the above mentioned problems. its not a workout its a process of healing your mind as well as body. Call center executive usually goes through many emotional changes when they deal with irate customers or when their sales pitch back fires. so one has to master the art of controlling emotions and making the mind calm. this the when yoga shows its healing power. research predict that if a person does yoga everyday the adrenaline .On the eve of the heritage of world yoga day let's see what are some easy and effective yoga postures for call center executive so that they can be fit and work with efficiency .

Vajrasana ( The Adamantine Pose)

Those who sit in this Asana have a steady, firm pose. They cannot be easily shaken. The knees are rendered very hard. The Meru Danda becomes firm and strong

How to do ?.Keep the soles of the feet on both sides of the anus i.e., place the thighs on the legs one over the other and the soles on the back. The calves must touch the thighs. The part from the toe to the knee should touch the ground. The whole burden of the body is put on the knees and ankles.

Benifits?The practice of Vajrasana exercises a stimulating and also egnite the leg and ankel pain which might be caused by sitting in a chair for long time

Chakrasana (Circle Pose)

Many acrobats demonstrate this Asana in the streets. Young boys can do this Asana very easily because their spine is very elastic. When the bones become rigid and ossified in advanced years, bending of the spine becomes difficult. It resembles a circle. Hence the significant name Chakrasana. In fact, it resembles more a bow than a circle.

How to do ?Stand up. Raise the hands above in the air. Slowly bend towards the back making a curve of the body. When the hands come to your hip-level at the backside, slowly bend your legs at the knee. This will help you to bend further and to touch the ground with your hands. Do not be in a hurry. Do it slowly by adjusting balance. Otherwise, you will have a fall. Keep a thick blanket on the ground and over this, practise this Asana

Benifits? He who practises this Asana will have perfect control of the body. He will be agile and nimble. He can turn out more work in a short space of time. All the parts of the body are benefited by this Asana.

Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Padma means Lotus. When the Asana is demonstrated, it presents the appearance of a Lotus, in a way. 

How to do ?Sit on the ground by spreading the legs forward. Then place the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh. Place the hands on the knee-joints.
Benifits? this posture will help in keeping the spin locked and will help in maintaining the breath pace which will make the mind consoled and relax the spine area.

Savasana (Corpse Pose)

This is an Asana for relaxation of all muscles, nerves, etc. This Asana should be performed at the very end. It is a closing pose.

How to do ?Spread a soft blanket. Lie flat on your back. Keep the hands on the ground by the sides. Stretch the legs quite straight. Keep the heels close. Let the toes remain separated. Close the eyes
Benifits?Savasana combines pose and meditation. It gives rest not only for the body but also for the mind and soul. It gives relief, comfort and ease. Relaxation is a very important factor in muscular exercises.

Dhanurasana ( Bow Pose)

When this Asana is performed, it represents the appearance of a bow (Dhanus). 

How to do?The stretched arms and forelegs form the string of the bow. It bends the spine backwards.Lie on your chest with the face downwards. Relax all the muscles. Keep the arms at the sides. Gently fold the legs at the back. Raise your hands backwards. Catch hold of the ankles with the hands. Raise the chest and head. Expand the chest. Keep the arms and forelegs quite straight and stiff. Now a good convex arch is formed

Benifits?This is useful in removing hunchback pain , rheumatism of legs, knee-joints and hands. It reduces the fat, energises digestion,it also gives press-ion on vocal cords so that the vocal cord will not be strained

Yoga is a great work out which not only makes your body fit but also your mind and heart consoled. For a stressful life of a person who might be exposed to different emotional changes in one particular day it's always needed to cope up and adjust our mind set which is possible with performing yoga.So try these postures and get energized 

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