Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Absence Noticeable @Call Centers

 I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.      – Jerome K. Jerome, English writer and humorist

How important You and your time is? How important to be Present in office and be on time? How your time effect the productivity of overall call center?

As being out of work for a day really makes a big difference in providing service. On an average , if one person is absent the average time that a customer need to wait in queue increases. The effect is too large in small service group , however it equally impact the productivity of  the company. Delivering good customer service depends on each agent

Call center jobs are the job of  team work, If you quit your part, you give more work to your coworkers.Your part of work may increase more working hours to your coworkers and you are responsible for your work, and you should be on time

If an agent is not at a place where he suppose to be, then not only the customers who suffer but also the team mates.As with more number of agents ,the breather the agents get between one call and the other will be more. So its would not be a rigorous effort for the agents.

But when it comes to the a situation where one of the person is missing from the team the occupancy rate increases , which led to decrease the call to call time. Hence effecting the productivity and increasing the stress levels of the other agents

So workforce schedule are so designed to give comfort to the agents as well as the customer And turning late to the office not only felt by the customers ,also immediately by the co-workers



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